A look into the lives of modern-day community members. This collection contains magazines, photos, and newspaper articles from the 1980s to the current day.
Around 100 government officials, business people, and executives visited the Boer community in Comodoro. They completed a tour of the city, ate a dinner provided by la Asociación Sudafricana de Mujeres, toured two traditional farms, and participated in a television program, amongst other activities.
Published 1992
Martín Blackie, as vice-consul of South-Africa, describes the views of the community regarding the end of Apartheid. Although a majority are in favor, as "it is necessary... in order that people of color can participate in every sense [in the government]" there are a few who believe "people of color should not integrate into the governmental part of this country"
Published 1992
Describes the formation of the modern-day community's association in order to have an official group to act as a mediator between the community and the South Africa's ambassador. Also mentions the two main community associations (la Asociación Cristiana de Mujeres de Comodoro Rivadavia and the Club Sudafricano).
Published 1992
Interview with Johann Kilian, the first South-African ambassador to Argentina since 1986. His statements envision a strong future relationship in between South Africa and Argentina. He also answers questions about the end of Apartheid.
Published 1991
Article about South-African antiapartheid activist Nadine Gordimer after she was awarded the Nobel prize for literature. Her work dealt with how South-African public policies affected private life.
Published 1991
Transcript of South African Ambassador Kilian's speech, in which he mentions the history of the Boer community while noting the economic and historic ties between S. Africa and Argentina.
Published 1991
Article about the completion of South African Ambassador Johann Kilian's trip to Argentina. He was accompanied by community member Martín Blackie (the honorary vice-consul of South Africa in Chubut). Kilian's trip included meeting with municipal authorities, a donation to a local school, and a meeting with the High Performance Sports Commission.
Published 1991
An article about the visit of South African Ambassador Kilian to Argentina in which he stresses the relationship between South Africa and Argentina.
Published 1991
An article detailing community history in Argentina as well as an invitation for community members (and especially those of South-African descent) to participate in a "Día del Colono Sudafricano" (South-African colony day) celebration, which will include a South-African band.
Published 1994
Article written by a South African who visited Comodoro Rivadavia describing positive impressions of the South African immigrant community there.
Published 1980