Puerto Madryn Chubut-Argentina ¡Una Pasion...! (1994)
- Title
- Puerto Madryn Chubut-Argentina ¡Una Pasion...! (1994)
Puerto Madryn Chubut-Argentina - A Passion ...! (1994)
- Description
A book that offers a history of the Boer community in Argentina, describes their annual festival, religion, education, and ends with the declaration of June 4th as "South-African Immigrant's Day". It is written in both Spanish and Afrikaans.
Published 1994 -
Un libro que detalla la historia de la comunidad Boer en Argentina, describe su festival anual, religión, educación y concluye con la declaración del 4 de junio como "Día del inmigrante sudafricano". Está escrito en español y afrikaans.
Publicado 1994 - Creator
- Sra. Sara de Langer
- Date
- 1994
- Format
- Manuscripts
- Language
- Spanish
- Afrikaans
- Publisher
- Puerto Madryn Rugby Club
- Source
- Sarie de Langer collection
- Subject
- South Africans
- Argentina
- Immigration & society
- Rugby
- Type
- Text
- Location
- Argentina
- Tag
- Early Immigration
- Early Settlement
- modern life
- Bibliographic Citation
- "Puerto Madryn Chubut-Argentina ¡Una Pasion...! (1994)," accessed [date], https://aacollabarchive.humin.lsa.umich.edu/s/aacollabarchive/item/246
Part of Puerto Madryn Chubut-Argentina ¡Una Pasion...! (1994)